Web Designer & Development

Certification Training

"Brewing Ideaz" offers a succinct "Web Designer & Development" training program, designed to equip learners with key skills in web design and development. This course covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and UX design, alongside back-end technologies like PHP and MySQL. Emphasizing practical, hands-on learning, it prepares participants for real-world web development challenges, making it ideal for aspiring web professionals and those looking to enhance their skill set.

Web Designer & Development

Certification Training

"Brewing Ideaz" offers a succinct "Web Designer & Development" training program, designed to equip learners with key skills in web design and development. This course covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and UX design, alongside back-end technologies like PHP and MySQL. Emphasizing practical, hands-on learning, it prepares participants for real-world web development challenges, making it ideal for aspiring web professionals and those looking to enhance their skill set.

About Course

“Brewing Ideaz” offers a dynamic “Web Designer & Development” training program, tailored to equip learners with the essential skills and knowledge needed in the ever-evolving field of web design and development. This comprehensive course covers everything from the basics of HTML and CSS for crafting visually appealing websites, to more advanced topics like responsive design, JavaScript programming, and user experience (UX) principles.

Participants will learn to create functional, aesthetically pleasing websites, and applications using the latest tools and technologies. The course also delves into back-end development, focusing on server-side programming with PHP and database management with MySQL, ensuring a well-rounded skill set.

With a strong emphasis on practical, hands-on learning, this program encourages students to work on real-world projects, preparing them for the challenges of the web development industry. Whether you’re looking to start a career in web design and development or enhance your existing skills, “Brewing Ideaz” provides a solid foundation and the resources necessary for success in this dynamic field.

Key Features

You will get 100% job Assurance and life time e-placement support

You will get 3 year Dedicated placement support

Classed taken by globally certified trainers

Courses are globally recognized & accredited


The Basic Knowledge of Photoshop module is designed to introduce learners to the fundamentals of Adobe Photoshop, a leading software in digital graphics editing. This module focuses on equipping students with essential skills needed to create and manipulate graphics for web design purposes.

Key Topics

  1. Introduction to Photoshop Interface

    • Understanding the Workspace: Get acquainted with the layout, toolbars, menus, and panels.
    • Navigating the Canvas: Learn to zoom, pan, and adjust views for efficient editing.
  2. Basic Tools and Techniques

    • Selection Tools: Master the use of various selection tools for editing specific areas.
    • Layer Basics: Understand layers and their importance in non-destructive editing.
    • Basic Image Adjustments: Learn to adjust brightness, contrast, and color balance.
  3. Creating and Editing Graphics for Web

    • Design Elements: Create basic shapes, text, and other elements used in web design.
    • Layer Styles and Effects: Apply effects like drop shadows, glows, and gradients.
    • Compositing Techniques: Combine multiple images and elements into a cohesive design.
  4. Optimizing Images for Web Use

    • Image Formats: Understand different image formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF) and their uses.
    • Size and Resolution: Adjust image size and resolution for web optimization.
    • File Compression: Learn techniques to reduce file size without compromising quality.
  5. Hands-on Project

    • Design a Website Mockup: Apply learned skills to design a mockup of a web page or a website element, such as a banner or a header. This project is aimed at synthesizing the concepts and techniques learned, showcasing the ability to create visually appealing designs suitable for web use.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, students will be able to:

  • Navigate and utilize the Photoshop interface effectively.
  • Create, edit, and optimize graphics and images for web use.
  • Understand the principles of good web design graphics.
  • Complete a basic web design project using Photoshop.

Teaching Approach

  • Interactive Tutorials: Step-by-step guides for hands-on learning of tools and techniques.
  • Practice Exercises: Tasks to apply skills in real-time, reinforcing learning.
  • Project-Based Learning: Real-world project to integrate and apply the skills acquired.

The HTML5 module in the Web Designer training program at “Brewing Ideaz” focuses on teaching the fundamentals and advanced features of HTML5, the latest standard for HTML. This module aims to equip learners with the necessary skills to structure and design the content of web pages effectively.

Key Topics

  1. Fundamentals of HTML

    • Introduction to HTML: Understanding the role of HTML in web development.
    • Basic Syntax: Learning the structure of HTML tags and attributes.
    • Document Structure: Setting up the basic HTML document template.
  2. Understanding HTML5 Elements

    • Semantic Elements: Using new HTML5 elements like <article>, <section>, <nav>, <header>, and <footer> for improved semantic structure.
    • Multimedia Elements: Incorporating audio and video with <audio> and <video> tags.
  3. Building Web Page Structure

    • Creating Layouts: Structuring web pages using HTML5 elements.
    • Text Formatting: Implementing headings, paragraphs, lists, and other text formatting elements.
    • Linking Pages: Understanding hyperlinks and anchor tags.
  4. Forms and Input Types

    • Creating Forms: Designing forms for user input.
    • New HTML5 Input Types: Utilizing new form elements like date, range, and email.
  5. Semantic Web Design Practices

    • Accessibility and SEO: Best practices for accessibility and search engine optimization.
    • Validating HTML5: Using tools to ensure code validation and standards compliance.
  6. Project: Constructing a Basic HTML5 Webpage

    • Application of Skills: Design and build a fully functional HTML5 webpage incorporating the learned elements, structure, and semantic practices. This project will demonstrate a practical understanding of HTML5 in web development.

Learning Outcomes

By completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand and effectively use HTML5 elements and their attributes.
  • Create structured, accessible, and SEO-friendly web pages.
  • Implement multimedia elements and forms with new HTML5 input types.
  • Develop a web page from scratch using HTML5, showcasing practical skills.

Teaching Approach

  • Theory and Practical Examples: Detailed explanations of HTML5 elements followed by practical examples.
  • Interactive Coding Exercises: Hands-on coding tasks to reinforce learning and apply concepts.
  • Capstone Project: A comprehensive project that requires students to apply all the knowledge gained to build a functional HTML5 webpage.

This module is vital for anyone pursuing a career in web design, as HTML5 is the backbone of web page structure and content. Understanding and mastering HTML5 is fundamental to creating modern, efficient, and accessible websites.

The CSS3 module in the “Brewing Ideaz” Web Designer training program is tailored to provide an in-depth understanding of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the technology used for designing and laying out web pages. This module covers both foundational and advanced aspects of CSS3, ensuring that learners are equipped with the skills to create aesthetically pleasing and responsive web designs.

Key Topics

  1. Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets

    • Basics of CSS: Understanding the role of CSS in web design and how it works with HTML.
    • Syntax and Structure: Learning about selectors, properties, values, and how to link CSS to HTML documents.
  2. CSS3 Selectors and Properties

    • Selectors: Diving into class, ID, pseudo-class, and attribute selectors.
    • Core Properties: Exploring properties related to text, colors, backgrounds, and borders.
  3. Layout Techniques: Flexbox and Grid

    • Flexbox: Understanding the flexible box layout model for designing flexible responsive layout structure without using float or positioning.
    • CSS Grid: Learning about grid-based layout system, enabling more complex designs and layouts.
  4. Responsive Design and Media Queries

    • Media Queries: Using media queries to create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
    • Mobile-First Design: Principles and practices for designing with a mobile-first approach.
  5. CSS3 Animations and Transitions

    • Transitions: Implementing smooth transitions for CSS properties.
    • Animations: Creating keyframe-based animations to add dynamic interactions.
  6. Project: Styling a Responsive Web Page

    • Practical Implementation: Applying CSS3 techniques to design and style a fully responsive web page. This project will demonstrate the ability to create visually appealing and functional web designs.

Learning Outcomes

Completing this module will enable students to:

  • Master the use of CSS3 for styling web pages.
  • Implement responsive design principles using Flexbox, CSS Grid, and media queries.
  • Create interactive and engaging web elements using CSS3 animations and transitions.
  • Develop a responsive and aesthetically pleasing web page as a practical project.

Teaching Approach

  • Illustrative Examples and Demonstrations: Teaching through examples that show how different CSS properties and selectors are used.
  • Hands-On Exercises: Interactive exercises to practice and refine CSS skills.
  • Project-Based Learning: A comprehensive project that integrates all the CSS3 concepts learned, giving students a chance to apply their knowledge in a real-world scenario.

This module is crucial for web designers, as CSS3 is the key to creating visually stunning and functionally sophisticated websites. Mastery of CSS3 empowers designers to bring their creative visions to life on the web.

The JavaScript module in the “Brewing Ideaz” Web Designer training program is designed to introduce and deepen understanding of JavaScript, a powerful and widely-used scripting language essential for adding interactivity and dynamic features to websites. This module covers the fundamentals of JavaScript programming, as well as more advanced topics, providing learners with the skills necessary to create interactive and user-friendly web experiences.

Key Topics

  1. JavaScript Basics

    • Introduction to JavaScript: Understanding its role in web development and the basics of how it works.
    • Syntax and Basic Concepts: Variables, data types, operators, and basic syntax rules.
    • Control Structures: Learning about conditionals, loops, and flow control.
  2. DOM Manipulation and Event Handling

    • Document Object Model (DOM): Understanding the DOM and how JavaScript interacts with HTML and CSS.
    • Selecting and Manipulating Elements: Techniques to dynamically change HTML and CSS with JavaScript.
    • Event Handling: Adding interactivity through mouse and keyboard events.
  3. Implementing JavaScript Functions

    • Functions and Scopes: Writing reusable code blocks with functions and understanding scope.
    • Anonymous and Arrow Functions: Utilizing modern JavaScript functions for concise coding.
  4. Basic AJAX and JSON

    • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX): Making server requests and updating web pages asynchronously.
    • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): Understanding JSON for data interchange.
  5. Project: Interactive Web Elements Using JavaScript

    • Real-world Application: Developing a web page or application that incorporates interactive elements using JavaScript. This project focuses on applying learned concepts to create dynamic user experiences.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand and apply JavaScript fundamentals in web development.
  • Manipulate the DOM and implement event handling for interactive web pages.
  • Create and use JavaScript functions effectively.
  • Use AJAX and JSON for dynamic data handling on websites.
  • Build an interactive web element or page as a practical project.

Teaching Approach

  • Theoretical Instruction and Code Examples: Providing a solid foundation in JavaScript principles accompanied by practical code examples.
  • Interactive Coding Exercises: Hands-on exercises to practice JavaScript coding in real-time.
  • Capstone Project: A comprehensive, project-based assessment to apply and showcase the JavaScript skills acquired.

This module is crucial for web designers and developers, as JavaScript is the cornerstone of modern web interactivity and functionality. Mastery of JavaScript enables the creation of dynamic, responsive, and engaging web experiences, a critical skill in today’s web development landscape.

The jQuery module in the “Brewing Ideaz” Web Designer training program focuses on the popular JavaScript library, jQuery. Known for simplifying JavaScript code, jQuery is a powerful tool for enhancing websites with animations, handling events, and manipulating the DOM. This module is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of jQuery, enabling learners to create more interactive and user-friendly web pages.

Key Topics

  1. Introduction to jQuery

    • What is jQuery?: Understanding the role and benefits of using jQuery in web development.
    • Setting Up jQuery: Learn how to include jQuery in web projects and the basic syntax.
  2. jQuery Selectors and Events

    • Selectors: Mastering jQuery selectors for targeting and manipulating HTML elements.
    • Event Handling: Implementing jQuery methods for handling user interactions like clicks, hovers, and keyboard events.
  3. Effects and Animations

    • Built-in Effects: Exploring jQuery’s ready-to-use effects like show/hide, fade, and slide.
    • Custom Animations: Creating custom animations and understanding timing functions.
  4. jQuery UI Components

    • Introduction to jQuery UI: Overview of the user interface library built on top of jQuery.
    • Implementing Widgets: Utilizing widgets like Datepicker, Slider, Dialog, etc.
    • Interactions and Effects: Adding draggable, resizable, and sortable functionalities to elements.
  5. Project: Enhancing a Website with jQuery

    • Practical Implementation: Integrating jQuery into a web project to enhance user experience and interactivity. This could involve adding dynamic content, creating forms with validation, or building custom animations.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand and effectively implement jQuery in web projects.
  • Use jQuery for DOM manipulation and to handle events.
  • Create visually appealing effects and animations.
  • Implement jQuery UI components to enrich web applications.
  • Develop a feature-rich, interactive web page using jQuery.

Teaching Approach

  • Theoretical Lectures and Demonstrations: Introducing concepts followed by demonstrations of how jQuery functions in real web scenarios.
  • Hands-On Practice: Exercises and mini-projects focusing on implementing jQuery features.
  • Capstone Project: A comprehensive project that allows students to apply their jQuery knowledge in a practical setting.

This module is essential for those looking to streamline their JavaScript coding and enhance web page interactivity. jQuery remains a relevant and valuable tool in modern web development, offering simplicity and efficiency in scripting.

The Bootstrap module in the “Brewing Ideaz” Web Designer training program is dedicated to teaching Bootstrap, a popular front-end framework for developing responsive and mobile-first websites. This module covers the essentials of Bootstrap, including its grid system, components, and utilities, enabling learners to quickly design and customize responsive web layouts.

Key Topics

  1. Bootstrap Framework Basics

    • Introduction to Bootstrap: Understanding the importance and advantages of using Bootstrap in web development.
    • Setting Up Bootstrap: Instructions on how to include Bootstrap in your web projects.
  2. Responsive Design with Bootstrap Grid System

    • Understanding the Grid System: Learning how the grid system works for creating responsive layouts.
    • Building Layouts: Practicing the creation of various layouts using the grid.
  3. Bootstrap Components and Utilities

    • Using Components: Exploration of Bootstrap’s ready-to-use components like navigation bars, modals, and cards.
    • Utilities: Utilizing Bootstrap’s utility classes for spacing, sizing, and more.
  4. Customizing Bootstrap Themes

    • Customization Basics: Understanding how to customize Bootstrap’s default design to fit your specific needs.
    • SASS and Bootstrap: An introduction to using SASS with Bootstrap for advanced customizations.
  5. Project: Building a Responsive Website Using Bootstrap

    • Real-World Application: Designing and building a complete responsive website using Bootstrap’s grid system and components. This project will demonstrate the practical application of Bootstrap in web design.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand the core concepts of the Bootstrap framework.
  • Create responsive web designs using the Bootstrap grid system.
  • Implement various Bootstrap components and utilities in web projects.
  • Customize Bootstrap themes to fit specific design requirements.
  • Develop a fully responsive website using Bootstrap as a capstone project.

Teaching Approach

  • Conceptual Overviews and Demonstrations: Introducing Bootstrap concepts followed by demonstrations of how they are implemented in web design.
  • Practical Exercises: Hands-on activities to practice using Bootstrap’s grid, components, and utilities.
  • Project-Based Learning: A comprehensive project to apply Bootstrap skills in a real-world context.

This module is crucial for anyone looking to efficiently create responsive and modern web designs. Bootstrap’s wide range of features and ease of use make it a favorite among web designers and developers, especially when quick and effective results are needed.

The “WordPress with Elementor” module in the “Brewing Ideaz” Web Designer training program focuses on teaching the use of WordPress, a leading content management system (CMS), along with Elementor, a powerful drag-and-drop page builder. This module is designed to enable learners to create, manage, and customize professional websites efficiently using WordPress and to enhance their web design capabilities with Elementor.

Key Topics

  1. Introduction to WordPress

    • Overview of WordPress: Understanding its role as a CMS in web development.
    • WordPress Installation and Setup: Learning how to install and configure WordPress.
  2. WordPress Installation and Configuration

    • Dashboard Navigation: Familiarizing with the WordPress admin dashboard.
    • Setting Up Themes and Plugins: How to select, install, and customize themes and plugins.
  3. Using Elementor for Page Building

    • Introduction to Elementor: Understanding the features and benefits of using Elementor.
    • Creating Pages with Elementor: Hands-on practice in building web pages using the Elementor interface.
    • Elementor Widgets and Features: Exploring various widgets and features available in Elementor for adding content, like text, images, buttons, and more.
  4. Themes and Plugins

    • Customizing Themes: Techniques for personalizing WordPress themes to match specific design requirements.
    • Utilizing Plugins: Identifying and using essential plugins for added functionality.
  5. Project: Creating a Full Website with WordPress and Elementor

    • Application of Skills: Designing and developing a complete website using WordPress and Elementor. This project will involve theme customization, page layout design, and incorporating various functionalities using plugins.

Learning Outcomes

By completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of WordPress and how to navigate its dashboard.
  • Create and manage content using WordPress.
  • Design visually appealing and functional web pages using Elementor.
  • Customize themes and use plugins to enhance website functionality.
  • Develop a complete website from scratch using WordPress and Elementor.

Teaching Approach

  • Interactive Tutorials: Step-by-step guides for setting up WordPress and creating pages with Elementor.
  • Practical Exercises: Hands-on tasks to practice theme customization and plugin integration.
  • Capstone Project: Building a complete website, which serves as a practical application of the skills learned and a portfolio piece.

This module is essential for learners aiming to excel in modern web design, as WordPress and Elementor are widely used for their flexibility, ease of use, and powerful features. Mastery of these tools allows web designers to efficiently create and manage professional-quality websites.

The PHP & MySQL module in the “Brewing Ideaz” web development training program is structured to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in these two critical technologies. Here’s an overview of the PHP & MySQL training module:

PHP & MySQL Module Overview

  1. Introduction to PHP

    • Understanding the role of PHP in web development.
    • Setting up a PHP environment (installation and configuration).
    • Basic syntax and best practices.
  2. Fundamentals of PHP Programming

    • Variables, data types, and operators.
    • Control structures (if statements, loops, etc.).
    • Functions and error handling.
    • Working with forms (receiving and processing user input).
  3. Advanced PHP Techniques

    • Object-oriented programming in PHP.
    • File handling and session management.
    • Securing PHP applications (basic security best practices).
  4. Introduction to MySQL

    • Basics of relational databases.
    • Installing and configuring MySQL.
    • Understanding MySQL data types and structures.
  5. SQL and Database Management

    • Writing SQL queries (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
    • Database operations (creating databases and tables, indexing).
    • Joining tables and complex queries.
  6. Integrating PHP with MySQL

    • Connecting PHP to a MySQL database.
    • Performing database operations from PHP.
    • Handling and displaying query results in PHP.
  7. Building a Web Application

    • Developing a basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application.
    • Implementing user authentication and authorization.
    • Practical project: Building a dynamic website (like a blog or a simple e-commerce site).
  8. Best Practices and Debugging

    • Writing maintainable and scalable code.
    • Debugging PHP and MySQL issues.
    • Performance optimization.
  9. Project and Assessment

    • Capstone project incorporating PHP and MySQL skills.
    • Peer reviews and instructor feedback.
    • Assessment and evaluation of skills learned.

Throughout this module, participants will engage in hands-on projects and exercises that are designed to reinforce the concepts learned. The training focuses on real-world applications, ensuring that students are well-prepared for professional challenges in the field of web development. The module aims to equip learners with the necessary skills to build robust and efficient web applications using PHP and MySQL.

The “Website Hosting & cPanel Control” module in the “Brewing Ideaz” Web Designer training program is designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills in web hosting and managing websites using cPanel, a widely-used web hosting control panel. This module is essential for web designers and developers, as it covers the fundamentals of launching and maintaining websites on the internet.

Key Topics

  1. Basics of Web Hosting

    • Understanding Web Hosting: Introduction to web hosting, types of hosting services (shared, VPS, dedicated, cloud hosting).
    • Choosing a Web Host: Factors to consider when selecting a hosting provider.
  2. Domain Registration and Management

    • Domain Names: Basics of domain names, how to choose, register, and manage domain names.
    • DNS Management: Understanding Domain Name System (DNS) settings and configurations.
  3. Introduction to cPanel

    • Navigating cPanel: Familiarization with the cPanel interface and its various features.
    • Basic cPanel Functions: Overview of file manager, email accounts setup, and database management.
  4. Managing Files and Databases

    • File Management: Uploading and managing website files using cPanel’s File Manager.
    • Database Management: Creating and managing databases with phpMyAdmin.
  5. Email Setup and Management

    • Creating Email Accounts: Setting up professional email addresses associated with the domain.
    • Email Configuration and Management: Managing email settings and accessing emails through cPanel.
  6. Project: Hosting and Managing a Live Website

    • Practical Application: Hosting a website and performing routine management tasks using cPanel. This includes setting up a domain, uploading website files, creating databases, and setting up email accounts.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of web hosting and how to select a hosting provider.
  • Register and manage domain names.
  • Navigate and use cPanel for website management effectively.
  • Perform essential tasks like file and database management in cPanel.
  • Set up and manage professional email accounts.
  • Gain practical experience in hosting and managing a live website.

Teaching Approach

  • Theoretical Instruction: Providing foundational knowledge on web hosting and cPanel.
  • Demonstrations and Walkthroughs: Guided tours of cPanel’s interface and features.
  • Hands-On Practice: Exercises that involve using cPanel for various web hosting tasks.
  • Capstone Project: Hosting a live website, serving as a real-world application of the skills learned.

This module is critical for those in web development and design, as it empowers them with the necessary skills to host and manage websites independently. Understanding website hosting and cPanel control is indispensable for ensuring the smooth operation and accessibility of websites on the internet.

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