Digital Marketing

Certification Training

"Brewing Ideaz" provides a concise "Digital Marketing" training program, focusing on essential aspects like SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and digital analytics. This practical course is designed to teach effective online marketing strategies, audience engagement techniques, and campaign analysis, preparing participants for successful careers in the dynamic field of digital marketing.

Digital Marketing

Certification Training

"Brewing Ideaz" provides a concise "Digital Marketing" training program, focusing on essential aspects like SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and digital analytics. This practical course is designed to teach effective online marketing strategies, audience engagement techniques, and campaign analysis, preparing participants for successful careers in the dynamic field of digital marketing.

About Course

“Brewing Ideaz” offers a comprehensive “Digital Marketing” training program that encompasses a diverse range of modules to equip learners with the skills and expertise needed to excel in the digital marketing realm. The training begins with a focus on graphic design using “CANVA,” teaching participants how to create visually appealing content. It then delves into the world of AI-driven marketing with “Chatgpt,” exploring the application of advanced technologies in marketing strategies.

The program also covers social media management, including “Facebook Management,” “Instagram Management,” and “YouTube Management,” providing in-depth knowledge of how to effectively leverage these platforms for marketing purposes. Additionally, participants will gain insights into tracking and optimizing digital campaigns through “Google Analytics” and enhancing website performance with “Google Webmaster Tools.”

This training adopts a hands-on approach, combining theoretical knowledge with practical exercises and real-world projects to ensure that learners not only understand the concepts but also gain practical experience in implementing digital marketing strategies. Whether you are a marketing enthusiast looking to kickstart your career or a professional aiming to enhance your digital marketing skills, “Brewing Ideaz” offers a well-rounded program that prepares you to thrive in the dynamic and competitive digital marketing landscape.

Key Features

You will get 100% job Assurance and life time e-placement support

You will get 3 year Dedicated placement support

Classed taken by globally certified trainers

Courses are globally recognized & accredited


The “CANVA” module within Brewing Ideaz’s “Digital Marketing” training is designed to equip learners with essential graphic design skills using the popular online design tool, Canva. Here’s what this module typically covers:

  1. Introduction to Canva

    • Understanding the significance of graphic design in digital marketing.
    • Exploring the Canva platform and its user-friendly interface.
  2. Design Principles and Best Practices

    • Learning fundamental design principles such as color theory, typography, and layout.
    • Applying best practices for creating visually appealing and effective marketing materials.
  3. Creating Visual Content

    • Designing graphics for various digital marketing channels, including social media, websites, and email campaigns.
    • Crafting eye-catching visuals, such as social media posts, infographics, banners, and more.
  4. Templates and Customization

    • Using Canva’s extensive library of templates and design elements.
    • Customizing templates to match brand identity and marketing objectives.
  5. Collaboration and Sharing

    • Collaborating with team members or clients within Canva.
    • Sharing and exporting designs for online and offline use.
  6. Practical Projects

    • Hands-on exercises and projects that allow learners to apply design concepts in real-world scenarios.
    • Creating marketing collateral, advertisements, and promotional materials using Canva.
  7. Optimizing Visuals for Online Marketing

    • Understanding image formats and resolutions for different digital platforms.
    • Ensuring graphics are optimized for web and mobile devices.
  8. Designing for Social Media

    • Crafting visuals tailored to specific social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
    • Learning the dimensions and requirements for social media posts and ads.

Throughout this module, participants will gain practical design skills and create marketing materials using Canva, making them proficient in designing engaging visuals for digital marketing campaigns. This training is valuable for anyone involved in digital marketing who wants to enhance their graphic design capabilities and create compelling visuals to captivate online audiences.

The “Chatgpt” module within Brewing Ideaz’s “Digital Marketing” training program likely focuses on leveraging advanced AI-driven chatbots and conversational agents, with a specific emphasis on GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models like ChatGPT. Here’s an overview of what this module might cover:

Chatgpt for Digital Marketing

This module is designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to use AI-driven chatbots and conversational agents like ChatGPT in the context of digital marketing:

  1. Introduction to Chatgpt

    • Understanding the role of AI-powered chatbots in digital marketing strategies.
    • Overview of GPT-based models like ChatGPT and their capabilities.
  2. Chatbot Implementation

    • Setting up and configuring AI chatbots for websites, social media, and customer support.
    • Integrating chatbots into digital marketing campaigns.
  3. Conversational Marketing

    • Utilizing chatbots for personalized and interactive marketing experiences.
    • Implementing conversational marketing tactics for lead generation and customer engagement.
  4. Content Generation

    • Generating marketing content using AI language models.
    • Creating compelling product descriptions, blog posts, and social media content with ChatGPT.
  5. Customer Support and Engagement

    • Enhancing customer support with AI chatbots to provide real-time assistance.
    • Building chatbots that can answer frequently asked questions and handle common queries.
  6. Data Analytics and Insights

    • Analyzing chatbot interactions and user data for marketing insights.
    • Making data-driven decisions to optimize chatbot performance.
  7. Ethical Considerations

    • Understanding ethical implications and responsible AI use in digital marketing.
    • Ensuring privacy and data security in chatbot interactions.
  8. Practical Implementation

    • Hands-on exercises and projects that involve creating and deploying AI chatbots.
    • Customizing chatbots to meet specific marketing goals.

By the end of this module, participants will be proficient in leveraging AI chatbots like ChatGPT to enhance digital marketing efforts. They will gain insights into using chatbots for lead generation, customer engagement, content generation, and data-driven decision-making, ultimately improving the overall effectiveness of their digital marketing strategies.

The “Facebook Management” module within Brewing Ideaz’s “Digital Marketing” training program is likely focused on teaching learners the essential skills and strategies for effectively managing and leveraging the power of Facebook for marketing purposes. Here’s an overview of what this module might cover:

Facebook Management for Digital Marketing

This module is designed to equip participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills for successfully managing and leveraging Facebook as a key platform for digital marketing:

  1. Understanding Facebook as a Marketing Platform

    • Overview of Facebook’s role in digital marketing.
    • Exploring the reach and potential of Facebook’s user base for marketing campaigns.
  2. Creating and Optimizing Facebook Business Pages

    • Setting up and optimizing business pages for maximum visibility and engagement.
    • Customizing page elements such as profile pictures, cover photos, and call-to-action buttons.
  3. Content Strategy and Creation

    • Developing effective content strategies tailored to Facebook’s audience.
    • Creating engaging posts, visuals, and multimedia content.
  4. Audience Targeting and Advertising

    • Utilizing Facebook’s ad manager for precise audience targeting.
    • Designing and launching Facebook ad campaigns for various marketing objectives.
  5. Community Engagement and Social Listening

    • Building and nurturing an active community of followers.
    • Practicing social listening to understand audience preferences and sentiments.
  6. Analytics and Insights

    • Using Facebook Insights to track page and post performance.
    • Analyzing key metrics to make data-driven marketing decisions.
  7. Facebook Live and Video Marketing

    • Incorporating live streaming and video marketing into Facebook strategies.
    • Creating engaging and shareable video content.
  8. Paid and Organic Growth Strategies

    • Balancing organic growth efforts with paid promotion strategies.
    • Leveraging Facebook Groups and Events for community building.
  9. Crisis Management and Reputation

    • Handling negative feedback and managing online reputation.
    • Strategies for crisis management and response on Facebook.
  10. Facebook Algorithm and Updates

    • Staying updated on Facebook’s algorithm changes and adapting marketing strategies accordingly.
    • Leveraging new features and tools as they are introduced on the platform.

Throughout this module, participants will engage in hands-on exercises, case studies, and practical projects to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. By the end of the training, learners will be well-equipped to manage Facebook pages, run effective advertising campaigns, engage with audiences, and measure the success of their Facebook marketing efforts.

The “Instagram Management” module within Brewing Ideaz’s “Digital Marketing” training program is likely focused on providing learners with comprehensive skills and strategies to effectively manage and harness the potential of Instagram for marketing purposes. Here’s an overview of what this module might cover:

Instagram Management for Digital Marketing

This module is designed to empower participants with a deep understanding of Instagram’s role as a powerful marketing platform and equip them with practical skills to manage and utilize Instagram effectively:

  1. Introduction to Instagram Marketing

    • Overview of Instagram’s significance in the digital marketing landscape.
    • Understanding Instagram’s user base and demographics.
  2. Setting up and Optimizing an Instagram Business Profile

    • Creating and optimizing a business profile on Instagram.
    • Customizing profile elements, such as profile pictures, bios, and contact information.
  3. Content Strategy and Creation

    • Developing a cohesive content strategy tailored to Instagram’s visual nature.
    • Creating engaging and visually appealing posts, stories, and reels.
  4. Instagram Advertising

    • Utilizing Instagram’s advertising features for targeted campaigns.
    • Designing and launching Instagram ad campaigns for various marketing goals.
  5. Hashtag Strategy

    • Harnessing the power of hashtags for discoverability and engagement.
    • Crafting effective hashtag strategies for posts.
  6. Audience Engagement and Community Building

    • Building an engaged and loyal Instagram following.
    • Implementing engagement strategies, such as responding to comments and messages.
  7. Instagram Analytics and Insights

    • Using Instagram Insights to track the performance of posts and stories.
    • Analyzing key metrics to inform content and marketing decisions.
  8. Influencer Marketing on Instagram

    • Understanding the role of influencer marketing on the platform.
    • Collaborating with influencers for brand promotion.
  9. Instagram Shopping and E-commerce

    • Leveraging Instagram Shopping features for e-commerce businesses.
    • Setting up product listings and utilizing shopping tags.
  10. Instagram Trends and Updates

    • Staying up-to-date with Instagram’s latest features, trends, and algorithm changes.
    • Adapting marketing strategies to take advantage of new opportunities.

Throughout this module, participants will engage in practical exercises, case studies, and projects to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world Instagram marketing scenarios. By the end of the training, learners will be proficient in managing Instagram business profiles, creating engaging content, running successful ad campaigns, and building a strong presence on the platform to achieve marketing objectives.


The “YouTube Management” module within Brewing Ideaz’s “Digital Marketing” training program likely focuses on providing learners with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage and optimize YouTube channels for marketing purposes. Here’s an overview of what this module might cover:

YouTube Management for Digital Marketing

This module is designed to empower participants with a comprehensive understanding of YouTube as a marketing platform and equip them with practical skills to manage YouTube channels effectively:

  1. YouTube as a Marketing Platform

    • Introduction to YouTube’s role in digital marketing strategies.
    • Understanding the reach and potential of YouTube’s audience.
  2. Setting up and Optimizing a YouTube Channel

    • Creating and optimizing a YouTube channel for business use.
    • Customizing channel elements such as profile images, channel art, and about sections.
  3. Content Strategy and Creation

    • Developing a content strategy tailored to YouTube’s video format.
    • Creating engaging and high-quality video content, including tutorials, vlogs, and promotional videos.
  4. Audience Engagement and Community Building

    • Building a loyal subscriber base and fostering an engaged community.
    • Encouraging audience interactions through comments, likes, and shares.
  5. YouTube Advertising

    • Leveraging YouTube’s advertising features, including TrueView ads and bumper ads.
    • Designing and launching YouTube ad campaigns for marketing objectives.
  6. YouTube Analytics and Insights

    • Using YouTube Analytics to track video performance and audience demographics.
    • Analyzing key metrics to inform content and advertising strategies.
  7. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for YouTube

    • Implementing SEO techniques to improve video discoverability on YouTube.
    • Optimizing video titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails.
  8. Monetization and Revenue Generation

    • Exploring monetization options on YouTube, including AdSense and channel memberships.
    • Strategies for generating revenue from YouTube content.
  9. YouTube Trends and Updates

    • Staying informed about YouTube’s latest features, trends, and algorithm changes.
    • Adapting content and marketing strategies to align with platform updates.
  10. YouTube Collaboration and Partnerships

    • Exploring collaborations with other YouTube creators and influencers.
    • Building partnerships for cross-promotion and brand awareness.

Throughout this module, participants will engage in practical exercises, video creation projects, and analysis of real-world YouTube channels to apply their knowledge in authentic marketing scenarios. By the end of the training, learners will be proficient in managing and growing YouTube channels, creating engaging video content, running successful ad campaigns, and harnessing the power of YouTube for achieving marketing goals.


The “Google Analytics” module within Brewing Ideaz’s “Digital Marketing” training program is likely centered around teaching participants how to effectively utilize Google Analytics, a powerful web analytics tool, to gather and interpret data related to website and digital marketing performance. Here’s an overview of what this module might cover:

Google Analytics for Digital Marketing

This module is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of Google Analytics and how to leverage it for digital marketing purposes:

  1. Introduction to Web Analytics

    • Understanding the importance of web analytics in digital marketing.
    • Overview of Google Analytics and its capabilities.
  2. Setting Up Google Analytics

    • Creating a Google Analytics account and property.
    • Installing tracking codes on websites and mobile apps.
  3. Navigating the Google Analytics Dashboard

    • Familiarizing with the user interface and dashboard components.
    • Accessing and interpreting key reports and data.
  4. Traffic Analysis

    • Analyzing website traffic sources, including organic search, direct, referral, and social.
    • Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and channels.
  5. Audience Insights

    • Understanding audience demographics, interests, and behavior.
    • Creating audience segments for targeted marketing.
  6. Content Performance Analysis

    • Assessing the performance of website content, including pages, posts, and videos.
    • Identifying high-performing and underperforming content.
  7. Conversion Tracking

    • Setting up and tracking website goals and conversions.
    • Analyzing conversion paths and user journeys.
  8. E-commerce Analytics

    • Implementing e-commerce tracking for online stores.
    • Analyzing sales data, revenue, and product performance.
  9. Event Tracking

    • Tracking user interactions and events on websites and apps.
    • Monitoring user engagement with specific elements.
  10. Custom Reports and Dashboards

    • Creating custom reports and dashboards tailored to specific marketing needs.
    • Automating report delivery and sharing.
  11. Data Analysis and Insights

    • Extracting actionable insights from Google Analytics data.
    • Using data to make informed marketing decisions and optimizations.
  12. Google Analytics Certification

    • Preparing for and obtaining Google Analytics certification (optional).

Throughout this module, participants will engage in hands-on exercises, real-time data analysis, and practical application of Google Analytics concepts to real-world marketing scenarios. By the end of the training, learners will be proficient in using Google Analytics to measure website and marketing performance, make data-driven decisions, and optimize digital marketing strategies for better results.

The “Google Webmaster Tools” module within Brewing Ideaz’s “Digital Marketing” training program likely focuses on teaching learners how to effectively use Google Search Console (formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools) to optimize websites for search engine visibility and performance. Here’s an overview of what this module might cover:

Google Webmaster Tools for Digital Marketing

This module is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Google Search Console and its role in improving website visibility and performance in search engine results:

  1. Introduction to Google Search Console

    • Understanding the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) in digital marketing.
    • Overview of Google Search Console and its features.
  2. Setting Up Google Search Console

    • Creating and verifying ownership of a website or domain.
    • Installing and verifying site ownership through various methods.
  3. Search Performance Analysis

    • Analyzing search queries that drive traffic to the website.
    • Evaluating clicks, impressions, click-through rates (CTR), and average positions.
  4. Website Indexing

    • Monitoring and managing how Googlebot crawls and indexes website pages.
    • Identifying and resolving indexing issues.
  5. Sitemaps and Crawling

    • Submitting XML sitemaps to help Google discover and index website content.
    • Analyzing crawl errors and resolving crawl-related issues.
  6. Mobile Optimization

    • Assessing mobile-friendliness and mobile usability of the website.
    • Ensuring a responsive design for mobile devices.
  7. Security and Manual Actions

    • Identifying and addressing security issues such as malware or hacked content.
    • Handling manual actions and penalties from Google.
  8. Structured Data and Rich Snippets

    • Implementing structured data markup to enhance search results.
    • Utilizing rich snippets to improve visibility and click-through rates.
  9. International Targeting

    • Managing international targeting for multilingual and multinational websites.
    • Ensuring correct geographic targeting.
  10. Performance Enhancements

    • Improving website load speed and performance for better user experience.
    • Optimizing images, JavaScript, and CSS.
  11. Link Analysis

    • Monitoring backlinks and external linking to the website.
    • Identifying and disavowing toxic or spammy backlinks.
  12. Data Insights and Reporting

    • Extracting actionable insights from Google Search Console data.
    • Creating custom reports and dashboards for performance tracking.

Throughout this module, participants will engage in practical exercises, site audits, and hands-on application of Google Search Console tools and features to optimize websites for improved search engine rankings and user experience. By the end of the training, learners will be proficient in using Google Search Console to enhance website visibility, resolve issues, and implement SEO strategies effectively.

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